Accelerate in Tuition
Bespoke tutoring programmes to help accelerate progress towards true potential.
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Hannah tutored my daughter for nearly a year ahead of her entrance exams to a highly academic boarding schools in the UK. Due to a move abroad, my daughter’s academic skills suffered greatly. Hannah assisted her bringing her level back on par with top London prep schools standards, with great success.
Parent of two, Italy
Our educational approach
- Personalised – from assessment to tailored programmes
- Subject specific to required development areas
- Engaging and fun, learning how to learn
- Expert experience from over 15 years teaching globally
Successful Admissions
Schools for Girls:
- Wycombe Abbey School (Scholarship offered)
- St Paul’s Girls School
- Lady Eleanor Holles
Schools for Boys:
- St Paul’s School
- Eton College
- Dulwich College
Explore the full list of school admission offers
Get in Touch
We work with an incredible network of parents and education professionals, who frequently recommend our refreshing approach to personalised education. If you would like to learn more about how we may be able to create a tailored programme of tutoring to suit your specific requirements, please share a little more about your circumstances to arrange an exploratory call.
Our founder is proud to have consistently gained an ‘excellent’ and ‘outstanding’ grading from a range of inspection bodies such as OFSTED, ISI, BSO and KHDA. We are also a member of the Tutors’ Association and the Chartered College of Teaching as well as holding a BA in Education & Psychology from Durham University, an advanced PGCE teacher training as well as a Masters of Education from the University of Birmingham.
Tutor’s qualifications and references can be made available on request.